Is This Why Your Prayer Is Still Unanswered?

Is This Why Your Prayer Is Still Unanswered?

Originally published in Charisma Magazine

The Bible says, “If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me. Where I am, there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him” (John 12:26).

Often, people have said to me over the years of my life, whether it’s been in my congregation or when I’ve been travelling internationally as an itinerant evangelist, that I always seem to be very excited and confident that the God I serve will answer my prayers. This is true; I am. I have a slogan I captured many years ago, one I’ve repeated at our church, Living Faith Community Church (LFCC) (#wheretheimpossiblebecomespossible) many times: “If you look after God’s backyard, He will look after your backyard.”

I think there is a kind of presumption, where many people think, If I come to church and do certain things, if I look after certain matters, I expect God will look after us. But let me make it very clear. I want to let you know that with God it’s always two-way traffic; it’s not one-way traffic.

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