God will Heal You…

God will Heal You…

I want to encourage you that ‘if you look after God’s backyard God will look after your backyard’. I think often there are times as Christians we decide to not put God first. Instead, we keep coming back to church and see God like He’s a supermarket.  We have become very consumer orientated and say, “God, answer my prayers”, but in return, God will ask you “what have you done for Me, where have you gone for Me, what ministry have you done for Me?”

God will heal you simply because you have put Him number one, as I said, “look after God’s backyard and He will look after yours”.

It’s important to understand, when ‘you serve God, and when you look after God’s backyard God will look after yours’.  A lot of people have missed this blessing this wonderful powerful blessing of serving God.   Can I encourage you to try to find something to do for God?  In huge humility before you I still park cars in this church after all these years of ministry, regardless of every qualification I have, I still park cars with another three or four blokes every Sunday.  I find a sense of joy doing this because I like to have the cars parked nicely, it gives me a sense of satisfaction.  While I’m doing that I will also usher people into the church, where often I will have the opportunity to speak to them for three to five minutes, helping them out in their journey with God.  I just want to let you know now, that however big you are going to become, don’t forget the small things you could do for God. If you are faithful in the small things, God will raise you up to big things.  My heartfelt prayer is just to make sure you understand this, because God does not work with one-way traffic, but he works with the two-way traffic.  You serve Him, you look after His kingdom, then the Father in heaven will honor your backyard, He will take care of your problems, your difficulties, your illnesses, and your disease. God will heal you simply because you have put Him number one, as I said, “look after God’s backyard and He will look after yours”.